Science Researcher Update

CHI's Inaugural Optimizing Bioassays for Biologics

Written by BCI Staff | Nov 9, 2013 11:07:00 AM

CHI's Optimizing Bioassays for Biologics

Conference - Washington, DC, United States

Bioassays are a critical component of biologics drug discovery and development. However, ever-changing technology, approaches, and regulatory requirements make it difficult to keep projects on track and on budget. Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Inaugural Optimizing Bioassays for Biologics will bring together key individuals from bioanalytical R&D, cell and antibody engineering, immunology, pharmacology, and preclinical and clinical development. Special focus will be given to the development and validation of potency assays, developing bioassays for multi-domain proteins, and establishing a standard for using cell-based vs. non-cell-based assays. Regulatory updates, expectations for novel constructs, and reference standards will also be shared. This conference is part of Immunogenicity Summit 2013.

Organization: Cambridge Healthtech Institute

(Courtesy of CHI's Optimizing Bioassays for Biologics' logo, via

CHI's Optimizing Bioassays for Biologics

Mon, Nov 11, 2013 - Wed, Nov 13, 2013

Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill

400 New Jersey Avenue NW, Washington, DC, United States

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