Science Researcher Update

Development, Diseases & Evolution of Endocrine Organs - Workshop

Written by BCI Staff | Oct 8, 2013 11:03:00 AM

Development, Diseases and Evolution of Endocrine Organs

Workshop - Strasbourg, France

This workshop is a part of a conference series entitled "European Symposium on Hormones and Cell Regulation" and has been running for 38 years, in a location particularly suitable for informal gathering and exchange of ideas and information among the participants.
The program includes 25 speakers, all very distinguished scientists in the field. Care will be taken for the attendance to be balanced between young and experienced investigators
Emphasis is on cutting-edge research and critical discussions..
Major topics will cover development, evolution and diseases of the main endocrine organs. In addition to specific presentation on most of the endocrine glands, the program includes presentations by specialists on subjects of general interest in organogenesis, such as "cell migration”, "stem cells and reprogramming”, "Evolution of the pituitary and thyroid gland", ”Organogenesis in zebrafish”.
The presentations and the consequent discussions will highlight common and specific mechanisms in the organogenesis of this type of organs.

Organization: 38th European Symposium on Hormones and Cell Regulation

(Courtesy of 38th European Symposium on Hormones and Cell Regulation's logo, via

Development, Diseases and Evolution of Endocrine Organs

Thu, Oct 10, 2013 - Sun, Oct 13, 2013

Mont Ste Odile

OTTROTT (Strasbourg), France

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