Cephalopods as Models for Tissue Regeneration
Workshop - Napoli, Italy
A coordinated first meeting to get together of scientists currently working on several aspects of regeneration phenomena in cephalopod molluscs.
The main purpose of this meeting is to stimulate the exchange of information between scientists and early career researchers and students, with the aim of getting together to facilitate future research efforts.
Aims of the workshop are:
- To review the historic literature on the regenerative capacity of cephalopods
- To review current research on regeneration in cephalopods
- To identify the key contributions that studies of cephalopods could make to understanding regeneration (fundamental and applied studies). This requires an insight into current research in the comparative aspects of regeneration and in particular in vertebrates, and identification of the major biomedical questions
- Identification of potential barriers to progress (e.g. cephalopod genome)
- To identify opportunities for collaborative research and funding
- To produce a review of the current state of knowledge for publication
Organization: Association for Cephalopod Research
(Courtesy of Cephalopods, via kyletaitt.scienceblog.com)
Cephalopods as Models for Tissue Regeneration
Wed, Sep 25, 2013 - Thu, Sep 26, 2013
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Villa Comunale, Napoli, Italy
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