Science Researcher Update

14th Congress on Reproductive Biomedicine & 9th Congress on Stem Cell Biology & Technology

Written by BCI Staff | Aug 22, 2013 7:39:00 AM

Royan International Twin Congress, 14th Congress on Reproductive Biomedicine and 9thCongress on Stem Cell Biology & Technology

Congress - Tehran, Iran

Royan International Twin Congress on Reproductive Biomedicine and Stem Cells Biology & Technology is a unique event in its own field in Iran and the Middle East. The congress is a joint of two separate congresses with different themes held by the Reproductive Biomedicine and Stem Cells Research Center, Royan Institute.

The rapid advancement of science in recent years requires the development of cooperation between Iranian scientist and their colleagues from other countries for the purpose of delivering, sharing and exchanging knowledge and expertise. In this regard, Royan International Twin Congress will provide a favorable opportunity for achieving scientific purposes and promoting international cooperation.

The main objective of the congress is to bring together the researchers and practitioners from all over the world in stem cells and reproductive biomedicine to stimulate and promote research in this area. The congress will cover all the main topics via sessions of high scientific content, innovative and interesting topics, stimulating discussions on the current issues, poster and oral presentations, focused workshops and teaching courses.

Organization: Royan Institute

(Photo of Royan Institute, via

Wed, Sep 04, 2013 - Fri, Sep 06, 2013

Razi Conference Center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

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