Science Researcher Update

ESF/EMBO Symposium: B cells: from Bedside to Bench & Back Again

Written by BCI Staff | Aug 19, 2013 9:52:00 AM

ESF | EMBO Symposium: 'B cells: from Bedside to Bench and Back Again'

Symposium - Pultusk, Poland

B cells are lymphocytes that play a key role in the immune response.

A principal function of B cells is to differentiate into plasma cells that secrete antibodies against exogenous antigens, and into memory B cells that retain the memory of the encounter against future challenges. However, the advent of B cell depletion therapies, originally developed against B cell malignancies, has revolutionised the way we see the role of the B cell.  Observations from the clinical use of agents such as Rituximab have resulted in the recognition that B cells have extremely important effector and regulatory roles other than antibody provision. If we use this information to increase our understanding of B cell biology we may well be able to take innovative solutions back into the clinic to complete the translational cycle.

In this conference we will bring together eminent clinicians, biologists, mathematicians, biophysicists to discuss the explosion of paradigm-shifting discoveries in B cell biology and their relevance to healthy immunity.


Courtesy of Acquired Immune System (B Cells and T Cells), via

ESF | EMBO Symposium: 'B cells: from Bedside to Bench and Back Again'

Mon, Sep 02, 2013 - Sat, Sep 07, 2013

Polonia Castle in Pultusk, Poland

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